Category Archives :Tour Guide System

The Best Assistive Listening Device

The assistive listening device lets everyone on your team hear you clearly, regardless of distance and noise.  ...

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Factory Visit by Using Retekess Tour Guide System

Factory visits will be a trend in the COVID period, so the tour guide system is very popular. We focus on wireless technology for 13 more years and we are very popular due to the high quality and best price. Email us at to get more details.  ...

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Maximizing Your Sightseeing Experience with a Audio Guide System

With an Audio Guide System, you will have a fabulous experience when traveling, you should have one for your group.  ...

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Wireless Audio Guide System for tour groups

Wireless audio guide system is an effective way to convey audio information to a group of tourists, and they can enhance the experience of tours, events, and conferences.  ...

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Why use a tour guide headset instead of a loudspeaker?

While both tour guide headsets and loudspeakers can be useful in different contexts, tour guide headsets offer several advantages in terms of sound quality, flexibility, personalization, and efficiency.  ...

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Summer Sales Promotion of Retekess

The summer is coming, so if you need any Retekess tour guide system or guest paging system, you can check the promotion until 31st May.  ...

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How to be a Better Tour Guide - 9 Tips

How to be a good tour guide? Here are some tips for those who want to be good tour guides.  ...

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Affordable Church Hearing Assistance System

Church hearing assistance system helps those with hearing impairments better hear the services. By utilizing a transmitter and receivers, the church can amplify audio and transmit it wirelessly to individuals wearing the receivers.  ...

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6 Reasons to Visit Museums With Wireless Audio Tour Guide System

Wireless audio tour guide system is a wireless radio communication system, ideal for visiting museums or exhibitions.  ...

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Tour Guide System for 2023 Hajj

The Hajj is started on Monday, June 26, 2023 and ending on Saturday, July 1, 2023. Retekess TT109 can be used in Hajj, which is popular due to the long range and high quality of sound.  ...

Read more  Hajj 2023 ,  Tour guide system for hajj ,  Retekess tour guide system for Hajj