What is the difference between TR501 and TR502 FM Broadcast Transmitter?

What is the difference between TR501 and TR502 FM Broadcast Transmitter?

What is the difference between TR501 and TR502 FM Broadcast Transmitter?

Now, due to the COVID-19, we can’t touch people in the close range. So we need a product to make connect with people. Then many churches and drive in theater and other area who use the FM transmitter. But you may confuse about choose which one. Tr501 FM transmitter or TR502 Fm transmitter.

Let’s talk about the difference between them.

1. TR501 is 1W/6W transmitter and TR502 FM broadcast transmitter is 0-15W. TR501 has 1W and 6W, when you adjust power, there will show one grid and two grids, one means 1W, two means 6W. TR502 has 8 levels, one grid is about 1.9W. 8 is 15W. As we all know, larger watts, longer range. The tr501 fm transmitter can reach 1-2 km in open area. TR502 fm transmitter can reach 3-4 km in open area.

2. TR501can’t be controlled by PC, theTR502 can be controlled by PC. In addition, TR502 have bluetooth function, you can connect your phone or PC by bluetooth. But TR501 you must use the AUX cable to connect them together.

3. TR501 is 76-108Mhz, TR502 is 87-108Mhz. TR502 has the REF power, the lower REF power, the better output power. You can adjust better.

You can choose the correct one fit for your needs.

Many customers use this FM transmitter in Church, drive in theater and funeral. So people can get audio information without close touch. So it can avoid the virus spreading.

Any other questions, feel free to email us at support@retekess.com

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