Tag Archives :restaurant

Wireless Coaster Pager System for 11.11 Global Shopping Festival

TD103 and TD156 coaster pager system with long distance, waterproof, overtime reminder, long distance alarm are suitable for many situations.  ...

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11.11 Big Sales on Retekess Wireless Pager System

TD173 and TD175 wireless pager system with 20% off, suit for restaurants, kitchens, hotels, help improve staff communication efficiency.  ...

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Best Pager System for Coffee Shop

Best pager system for coffee shop. Get one for your coffee shop to win more customers. Easy use and cost-effective. You should have it.  ...

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Wireless Coaster Pager Functions and Roles

Retekess wireless coaster pager avoids customers waiting in line while reducing enterprise labor costs and improving efficiency.  ...

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Guest Paging System to Increase Return Customers

Guest paging system changes the communication channels and improves the interaction with customers to provide a positive experience.  ...

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Improving the Waiting Experience for Customers

The presence of the pager system allows you to stop focusing on the waiting time and improving the waiting experience.  ...

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The Brewery Pager System Makes Your Event More Successful

The brewery pager system solves the problems of not being able to find guests, not hearing calls in noisy environments and lost pagers.  ...

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How to Make the Paging System Work with Your POS System?

We provide a protocol for our guest paging system, so you can integrate it into your POS system. If you want to know more information. Feel free to email us at support@retekess.com  ...

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Why Retekess TD185 Table Location System?

Table location system is a good product for restaurants. It can help staff improve working efficiency. And let customers more satisfy.  ...

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Advantage Feature of TD173 Guest Pager System

The advantage feature of the TD173 guest pager system, the setting is very easy, just do with the keypad. No need to change from the pager.  ...

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