Tag Archives :pager

Retekess Pager System FAQ

The Retekess pager system operates seamlessly by utilizing a transmitter, pagers, and a charging base. The transmitter sends signals to the pagers, alerting customers when their table is ready or their order is complete. The pagers vibrate or light up to notify customers, allowing them to move freely while they wait. Once customers are ready, they return the pagers to the charging base, which resets them for the next customer.  ...

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Comparing Coaster, Slim, and Long Range Pagers: What Sets Them Apart?

This blog explores the differences between three popular paging system categories: Coaster, Slim, and Long-range pagers. The Slim pager is affordable and user-friendly, with a countdown function for precise timing. Coaster pagers are durable, flexible, and suitable for multi-user configurations. Long-range pagers offer extensive working distances and advanced functions for industrial applications.  ...

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Horizontal and Fully Functional Coaster Pager Retekess TD167 Series Restaurant Pager Queuing System

Retekess introduces the TD167 series, a horizontal and fully functional circular pager system designed for restaurants. With advantages over traditional pagers, this system offers stability, ease of use, and advanced features like over-range alarm and vibration alerts. The TD167A and TD167F models provide cost-effective solutions with slight variations in working distance. Both models enhance communication, reduce wait times, and improve the overall dining experience.  ...

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Difference Between TD110 Pager Watch and T128 Pager Watch

TD110 pager watch is a new model. The belt clip is very durable and the design looks very nice. You should try it.  ...

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Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ

Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ include how to set pager ID/how to pair/how to add extra pager,how to use the computer software to set up the paging system,how to One-key Call and Cancel Alphanumeric Pager System,how to set out-of-range reminder,how to Send Messages Quickly.  ...

Read more  Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System ,  Paging System FAQ ,  long distance paging system

RetekessTD162 Restaurant Pager Buzzers System FAQ

RetekessTD162 Restaurant Pager Buzzers System FAQ,include how to pair/how to set pager ID/how to add extra pager,how to change the reminder mode,how to set the reminder duration,how to turn off all pagers with one key  ...

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Retekess TD159 Alphanumeric Pager System

Frequently asked questions about the Retekess TD159 pager system include how to set keypad ID/how to pair/how to add extra pager,how to use pager to send message,how to use the software to change the settings,where can I download the software.  ...

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Frequently Asked Questions About The Retekess TD161 Pager System

Frequently asked questions about the Retekess TD161 pager system include how to set pager ID/how to pair/how to add extra pager,how to adjust the reminder mode,how to adjust the reminder mode  ...

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Why should you choose TD183 long range restaurant pager system?

Why choose TD183 restaurant pager system? Long-range restaurant paging system, large size pager, wih cancel button on the pager. You should have one. If you have to know more, feel free to email us at suppot@retekess.com  ...

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How to Call Customers from Multiple Places with the Retekess Pager System

Dual keyboards enable simultaneous input and calling with wireless beeper systems. Agents can easily switch between calls and locations, reducing customer wait times. Additionally, the Retekess pager system assigns pagers to customers and notifies them when service is ready. Ensure timely assistance in busy environments like restaurants or retail stores with reliable restaurant beepers and the Retekess pager system.  ...

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