What Modifications Can You Make in Retekess TD015 Queue Display System?

What Modifications Can You Make in Retekess TD015 Queue Display System?

What Modifications Can You Make in Retekess TD015 Queue Display System?

What Does the Retekess TD015 Queue Calling System Display?

TD015 queue display is the new arrival of Retekess. You can use it in hospital, clinic, restaurant, club to call the customers. It is widely used in this time to reduce contact, especially in COVID-19 period.

But how to set it and how to modify the system, it makes many customers confused, so I write this article and hope that it will help your business.

Custom setting your logo, advertising slogan, and desktop wallpaper

1, name the folder as "TM100" and it must be as capital

2, for the Ad text, should be named as ad.txt, there is no limit on the number of words. 

3, for the logo, it should be .png format, and the recommended aspect ratio is 5:1,such as 580 : 140 pixels

4, The video, music, MV, and picture names can be customized, but the video does not currently support MKV and FLV formats.

5, The calling area supports customized too, the suggested size is 580 : 910 pixels

Note: For the ad words, you can set it on the basic setting-credit roll. 

Retekess queue calling system TD015

Call Display Mode

There are 7 types of mode, you can choose it based on your needs.

Retekess screen queue display

Basic Setting 

1, Model, there are 12 default setting, they are for different scenes, for restaurant, hospital, bank, food court, baby shower, and so on.

2, Auto clear time, from 1min, 5mins... ... 60mins

3, Loop display from 1 second to 60 seconds.

4, Advertisement time, should be more than 3 seconds.

5, Switch time, XX seconds

6, Speak time X times

7, For the credit roll, you can type it by yourself

Volume setting

There are 2 options: system volume setting, and video volume setting

Custom setting

There are 12 default settings for different application, if you want to customize your own calling words for your using, you can set it here

Several windows

It can be connected with 20 keypads in one system, so you can use it for the multi-windows, such as in the food court.

If it is still confusing, pls click here to watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRgdOn1X8hw&t=101s

We care about every customer's needs, if you have any problems, pls feel free to contact us at support@retekess.com, we will supply the professional solutions for you.

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