Different Manifestations of Different Hearing Losses

Different Manifestations of Different Hearing Losses

Different Manifestations of Different Hearing Losses

Normal: <20dB HL

Most adults' experience in a quiet environment: no problem hearing sounds

Most adults' experience in a noisy environment: no or almost no problem hearing sounds

Mild: 20~<35dB HL

Most adults' experience in a quiet environment: no problem talking

Most adults' experience in a noisy environment: may not be able to hear the conversation clearly

Moderate: 35~<50dB HL

Most adults' experience in a quiet environment: may not be able to hear the conversation clearly

Most adults' experience in a noisy environment: difficulty in talking

Moderate to severe: 50~<65dB HL

Most adults' experience in a quiet environment: difficulty in talking, can communicate normally after increasing the volume

Most adults' experience in a noisy environment: most conversations are difficult

Severe: 65~<80dB HL

Most adults' experience in a quiet environment: most of the conversation cannot be heard, even if the volume is increased, it cannot be improved

Most adults' experience in a noisy environment: very difficult to participate in the conversation

Extremely severe: 80~<95dB HL

Experience of most adults in quiet environment: extremely difficult to hear sounds

Experience of most adults in noisy environment: cannot hear conversations

Total deafness: ≥95dB HL

Experience of most adults in quiet environment: cannot hear speech and most environmental sounds

Experience of most adults in noisy environment: cannot hear speech and most environmental sounds

Unilateral deafness: good ear less than 20dB HL, bad ear ≥35dB HL

Experience of most adults in quiet environment: no problem unless the sound is close to the worse ear, there may be difficulty in sound localization

Experience of most adults in noisy environment: may have difficulty in speech, conversation and sound source localization

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