Tag Archives :retekess pager system

Retekess Pager System FAQ

The Retekess pager system operates seamlessly by utilizing a transmitter, pagers, and a charging base. The transmitter sends signals to the pagers, alerting customers when their table is ready or their order is complete. The pagers vibrate or light up to notify customers, allowing them to move freely while they wait. Once customers are ready, they return the pagers to the charging base, which resets them for the next customer.  ...

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How to Call Customers from Multiple Places with the Retekess Pager System

Dual keyboards enable simultaneous input and calling with wireless beeper systems. Agents can easily switch between calls and locations, reducing customer wait times. Additionally, the Retekess pager system assigns pagers to customers and notifies them when service is ready. Ensure timely assistance in busy environments like restaurants or retail stores with reliable restaurant beepers and the Retekess pager system.  ...

Read more  retekess pager system ,  wireless beeper system ,  restaurant beepers ,  wireless coaster pager

What’s the Difference Between TD158 and TD163 Guest Pager System

You could learn about the difference between TD163 restaurant paging system and TD158 paging system. The biggest difference on the charging mode, transmit range and appearance. The TD163 and TD158 restaurant pagers have many same features as well. Hope the information helpful for your purchase.  ...

Read more  Retekess pager system ,  TD163 restaurant pager ,  TD158 pager system